Sunday, May 17, 2009


Good morning from Sydney. I just woke up on my third day here. Satuday I visited the NSW Police and Justice Museum with Mike and Raych. Also went for a walk around circular quay, and then out for dinner to a Mexican resturant in Glebe. Mike and I had a chilli eating contest, culminating in eating 'Jersey Death' hot sauce, which is 750 times hotter than a jalepeno pepper. I'm pretty sure I won the contest, but there was no definitive result because the judge was overcome by hotsauce fumes.

Yesterday we took a Sunday drive out into the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. It's really nice out there, with some unique scenery.

I'm heading out into the city to walk across the harbor bridge this morning, then I'm catching a ferry to Manly where I'll meet Leonie and we're going to drive up to the beach where they film Home and Away.


India said...

No Guatamalan insanity peppers?

chrisbeggs said...

They didn't have them unfortunately. I'd totally have one if they did though.