Monday, May 18, 2009

Sydney 2

Yesterday I walked from Mike and Raych's in Redfern all the way to the harbor bridge, and then across it to north sydney. It was a fairly long walk but a really good way to see the city.

After that I caught a train back to Circular Quay and boarded the ferry to Manly. Met up with Leonie and had a steak lunch at Manly Beach before driving up through the northen beaches of Sydney. Arrived at Palm Beach to find a film crew taping scenes for Home and Away. Then we drove to Manly North Point, an awesome lookout where you can see the city from. After a great day, Leonie dropped me back at the wharf and I caught the ferry back to the city.

In the evening Mike and I went to a gig in Newtown, of some really strange music. It was an interesting experience, but the musicians' creative use of feedback left me wondering when the mic testing was going to end and the music begin!

I've had an awesome time in Sydney. Thanks to Mike and Raych for their hospitality. This afternoon I am leaving on the long flight to America.


Te Rhysawaka said...

Did you see any of the hotties from the show?

Have a good flight. Remember the drinks are free!

chrisbeggs said...

Hey Rhys
Yeah saw some of the hotties from Home and Away. I don't know any of their names though as I don't watch it!
The drinks were not free! United Airlines, the rouges, were charging $6 for alcoholic bevereges. When did that change?