Saturday, May 23, 2009


It has been a pretty full day so far. Did a 2 hour free walking tour of downtown Chicago provided by the hostel. It was very interesting and saw some awesome sights. Went out for lunch with a new friend who is staying at the hostel, and then up to the top of the Sears Tower - 103 stories!

The plan for the evening so far is to head up to the other main observation deck in town, the John Hancock Center. There is a bar up the top and if you drink there then there is no charge for entry - only exhorbetent drink prices aparently.
As I rest my weary feet for an hour, here are some photos of the day so far....

Sears Tower

Memorial Day Parade (though memorial day actually isn't until Monday)
I can't remember what this building is called, but built during the prohibition era its archetect designed a gold plated dome at the top in the shape of a champaigne bottle to remind Chicagoans of happier times.

The Bean (in the background!!)

County Genral Hospital. Not actually hospital, but where they do the exterior shots for E.R. The roof of the building is, as our guide explained: "where they bring in patients by helicopter, or John Carter goes to cry."


Rhys said...

What in the Blue Blazes is The bean?!

chrisbeggs said...

what does it look like?! its a large kidney bean made out of highly reflective steel.

Rhys said...

I had a feeling it was going to be something practical like that.