Wednesday, May 27, 2009

O Canada

I spent the evening in Canada checking out the falls in the darkness. This afternoon I went on the Maid of the Mist boat trip right up to the bottom of the falls. Its a really in-your-face way of seeing the falls with water fresh from the 180ft drop raining down on you. Totally cool.

Earlier in the day I toured this building, the 26 storey 1931 built City Hall of Buffalo. The building itself is an archetectual masterpeice, and the detail on it is amazing. It was also an oppertunity for wonderful views of the city from the top floor. I learnt a lot about the history of the area, way too much to go into here... but hey if you catch me at around sometime and you want to be in the know on Buffalo history, hit me up. It was really interesting.

This is my favorite building in Buffalo, it is the Liberty Building. There are two replicas of the statue of liberty on the roof. One faces east, to welcome trade from New York City and the oceans, and one faces West to bid goods and trade farewell as it headed toward Chicago and the West. That was basically Buffalo's role in the history - transport hub between east and west, so it is cool that the building still stands.

I found this really strange. With all the economic decline the city is in, it managed to scrounge together enough money to build a brand new stadium (background). Obviously the funds didn't extent to tearing down the old one, which still sits there as a crumbling eyesore.
Tomorrow: New York City.


Anonymous said...

The tip is in the new stadium name!

Dad said...

Chris I have to say you are getting a great performance out of your camera!

Anonymous said...

That's the gayest waterfall I ever saw! - FG