Friday, May 22, 2009

The slow train to Chicago

Well, I have just settled into my hostel in Chicago following a marathon train ride from Denver. It was supposed to take 18 hours, it ended up taking about 20 thanks to some selfish rich mo-fo's having to hook up their private rail cars while we the passengers waited.

Despite the delays, I had an awesome time and am so happy that I chose to travel by train! The Amtrak Superliner train was very comfortable, providing more than twice the legroom of a passanger airplane, and with the added freedom of being able to move about the train and sit in dining cars and observation cars as you please. And nothing can quite compare to being able to take in all that scenery at ground level, as you meet fellow travellers and have interesting conversation.

Sun rising over Nebraska this morning, as we rolled east across the plains.

Random old brick buildings in some small town in Iowa, that was obviously humming in its day.

Crossing the Mississippi River from Burlington, Iowa into Illinois.

This coal car was really hot. Hint: you may need to click on the photo to enlarge so you can read the halarious signwriting.

And finally, arriving in Chicago this afternoon. In between the rail cars the 103 storey Sears Tower is visible.
On the train I sat next to a guy named Joe from Portland, Oregon who is doing pretty much the same thing as me - travelling across America on the trains until July. We're going to be in New York at the same time so will probably catch up with him over a beer.
Union Station in Chicago is ridiculously huge. Practically all cross country trains pass through Chicago, so the bustling and crowded station concources are like a cross section of America. It really was a cool experience arriving there.
First impressions of Chicago (and I stress first impressions - I've barely had a chance to explore yet): an enormous and unfriendly city where honking is constantly heard from the traffic, as if drivers in the clogged streets think that by honking their horn there will magically be room for their car. I love it though, and the skyline is spectacular. And its hot, which is a bonus.
Haven't seen Oprah Winfrey yet, but I'm sure the phone will ring soon. There was a rumour that one of those private rail cars on the train belonged to Clint Eastwood, but I have been unable to confirm. Whoever it was got on board at Denver and arrived there in a big black limo. The other private car belonged to executives from BNSF railroad, who joined the train in Burlington for Friday afternoon drinks. They causes a near 45 minute delay, and the driver very tactfully made sure we knew why we were delayed.
The hostel here is really neat, its huge. Not sure what I will do tonight but if there is nothing terribly pressing I might just go to bed - I have literally had around 12 hours sleep since arriving in the country, all in bursts no longer than 2-3 hours. I'm quite happily running on addreniline, but I think some sleep might be a good idea.


Clint E said...

Make my day punk - you'll regret that "selfish rich mo-fo" line

Oprah Winfrey said...

Chris: Tried to reach you on your cell, but went through to voicemail. Would love to have you on the show - please get in touch with my agent!

AmTrac said...

As your picture does not enlarge, I must inform you that you are hereby banned from all AmTrac trains.

Have a wonderful day,

AMTRAC: The World Is Your Dining Cart.

chrisbeggs said...

ok very funny! re the unenlarging picture - just put your glasses on!

chrisbeggs said...

Oprah - please call me again. I don't want to go on the show, I just thought it would be cool for both of us if you gave me say a billion dollars.

Rhys said...

I'm with the AMTRAC guy on this one- I want to see the hilarious signage, but so far, nada!