Saturday, December 10, 2005

Ok because of the way this website keeps annoying me, i've had to do this in two seperate posts. If you want to keep things in chronological order, you should start at the next post down and then read this one.

I started my new job on Monday and have had a good week learning all about satellite television technology. I already knew a fair bit because of my one-time hobby of satellite television, but i have learned a lot more because i didn't have time to get fully into that hobby before i left for America.

This building used to be a shopping mall. Now it is totally taken up by my work.

Its about 3 minutes walk from my front door to the front door of Echostar, so it kind of lords over the neighborhood. I really like my new neighborhood. It is subburban, but close to all amenities and to work so i don't need a car yet. And its interesting. I was really sad to leave the community of East Colfax. Not. I just realized i haven't been asked for spare change, offered drugs or woken to the sound of gunshots since i left that neighborhood!

Sadly I was woken to the sound of my new neighbor bashing his wife at about 3.45am on Friday morning. I called the cops and watched from my window as they led him away in handcuffs. I haven't seen any sign of him since. That is a rarity though, my complex is really nice, my apartment is beautiful and my landlord is really nice. I really like it there! My landlord and his son want to see pictures of New Zealand, but i didn't bring anything like that with me. Maybe someone can email me some? Please? :)

From the light rail this morning. The snow is melting, not much of it left now. And i have the whole weekend ahead of me to explore the city and hang out with my new found friends! Yes i finally made some friends! Only a couple of friends, but i'm getting there :).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well dude, we are still missing you lots, but it sound good, and I am glad you made the choice to move.... mmmm I think I may have to put you to some use as well, like buying me shoes... oh shoes