Thursday, December 29, 2005

La de da

Life continues...

Its Friday tomorrow, which is good, especially because i have a three day weekend for new years. I've pretty much cancelled my mexican trip (though i wouldn't rule it out at this late stage, should i feel like it after work tomorrow). Its just that the more time i spend in denver the more i feel like i have left to see, and i'm really enjoying just exploring this little (or not so little) nook of america. It will be time to hit the highway before long, but i don't think that time is now.

I took Cindy out to dinner last night to a restaurant called the 'Texas Roadhouse'. She would argue that infact she took me out, since she drove and picked the resturant, but we know better. It was a real roadhouse in the sense that it was just off the c470 freeway, about a half hours drive from here. Despite being pretty much in the middle of just about the biggest, most dull looking expanse of american suburbia i have ever seen, the restaurant was overflowing with patrons. I don't think i've ever been to a restaurant so busy in my life! The parking lot was full, and the line to get seated stretched well out the door. We had to wait for half an hour outside before they called us. They served steak, steak, and steak. I chose the 'small' (10oz) prime rib. Had I had a Texan apetite on me I would have had one of the larger options (12oz and 16oz), but as it happens i barely conquered half of my little 10oz steak. Had a great time there however, its become my favorite restaurant! Great atmosphere, spectacular conversation, roasting on an open fire...

At 4.45am this morning, after a night of nutting off in a very loud fashion, and then an hour of playing "lets hide from the cops and make them smash the door down" my neighbor was arrested for the third time this month.

I had a bad day at work yesterday, and a slightly better day today. I'm really not liking it, the work is so far different from where i want to be going. But i do have a good feeling that more opportunities will present themselves in the new year. I love america, i guess i'm just waiting for america to love me.

Next time, there will be photos! Goodnight, and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

chrisbeggs said...

Are they not rowdy Rhys? What about when Claire turns up the backstreet boys real loud, thats a crime.