Saturday, December 24, 2005

A Christmas Message

Goodmorning and Merry Christmas!

I hope everybody has a fantastic day doing whatever it is they are doing. Most likely eating a lot and drinking a lot, correct?

I was going to take a photo at night of all the christmas lights around where i live, but i never got around to it and now its daylight and Christmas day in New Zealand and I left it too late! So i went out in search of a christmassy photo on my way to the laundromat today, but nothing looked particularly stunning, so we're stuck with this picture. Its kind of Christmassy!

Anyway, i hope you all have a great day and enjoy yourselves.

Last night I went out with some people from work and had just a fantastic time, got to know a few more people and really enjoyed it. First we went to Red and Jerrys which is a huge sports bar/restaurant in Littleton. Here bars don't like it much when you pay for drinks as you go up at the bar, they prefer to set up a tab and wait on you and then shock you with the bill at the end of the night. But we drank and we drank and we drank some more, i tried 3 new beers, and the total for the 4 of us was like $38, most reasonable! Then it was everybody back to my place, where we hung around for a little while before some friends of someone there called to invite us over to their apartment. So we all went over there and kept drinking (except for me who knows when to stop!). I was out until nearly 5am, the last 2 hours of that time I spent riding around in a car dropping people off in various parts of the city.

Then I was woken at around 9am by another disturbance next door. The guys friend was standing right outside my window calling the cops on him because evidently he was throwing knives around his room. After the ruccus was over, his mother came over to apologize for all the noise that eminates from there, and explained that her son has bi-polar disorder. This explains an awful lot. The cops showed up and kind of sneaked up the drive way, crouching behind cars etc. I watched the entire performance from behind my blinds, as a nosy neighbor should. They called on him to come outside and when he did three cops had their guns drawn and pointed right at him saying "Don't dare move!" as a fourth cop went up and handcuffed him. They didn't drag him off to jail this time, just talked to him for a while and said if it happened again he'd be spending christmas in jail.

Here are some pictures of my apartment:

And lastly, in the words of the bloody-red barron, Merry Christmas, my friend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sugar pie honey bunchems, Leonie hyah. I have been readin' your blog, very good Mr. Beggs very good. Hope you had a super day for christmas!