Friday, December 02, 2005

Good Day Colorado!

Well i decided to go with the job in the call center, the other job would have been nice because it didnt involve talking on the phone all day, but it seemed to have a big sales component, and i'm just not good at selling. Also it was getting too late, they didnt call me until like 2pm. Also the call center is for echostar which is a satellite tv company, so there might be opportunities to move up within a media company, which interests me.

I found an apartment in littleton and i'm moving in tonight. Its about one block from echostar and one block to the light rail station, from whence it is only a 25 minute train ride into downtown denver. Its a real nice place! I held on to the rental car one more day so i could go to target and buy some things. I bought so many things!

Well i'm currently hungry so i'm going to go and get some food. If I don't post for a few days its cause i'm trying to sort out an internet connection at my new place. Keep in touch -, i'd love to hear from you. Also now that i have my own place any visitors would be welcome!! The couch is always free....

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