Saturday, December 10, 2005

New job, new place!


Sorry I have taken so long to update this. I was waiting until thursday when i was supposed to have a phoneline installed, but the technician sucked, as technicians do, so now i can't have it installed until next saturday. So i'm in another cafe having a bagel for breakfast and totally outstaying my welcome while i do my blog posts and emails :).

We begin last friday after my last blog post:

I had a rental car, some time to kill and some gas to burn so i thought i'd see some sights. I put 400 miles on the car in 2 days!
This is the Denver Tech Center, a seperate business hub about 20 minutes south-east of downtown Denver which sprung up in the nineties with the tech boom. It amazed me because i had heard about it, but stumbled accross it by accident and when i found it, i had thought for a minute i was back in downtown Denver - its huge!

Its hard to really show it in one photo, but there are really nice looking modernn office buildings surrounded by park like grounds and luxury apartment homes as well as restaurants and bars.

Then after getting word that my application had been accepted for my apartment (surprisingly the background check on my social seccurity number which had never been used turned up no dirt) i headed fot littleton.

This is downtown littleton. Its pretty quaint. If you need antiques, souviners or orniments, you are in luck. If you are in desperate need of a can opener or something practical, you're outta luck! Luckily i have since found a strip mall a few blocks in the other direction which has a supermarket and laundromat etc.
I had an evening assembling my new furniature...

And in the morning, woke up to this!

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