Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mmmmmmmm Blizard.....


Last night Jorge and I went up to Boulder. We were going to go to some of the bars near the CU campus. Its supposed to be really cool, but as luck would have it university is on holiday right now and it was completely dead.

It was snowing and with all the snow on the ground, i must have subconciously been craving ice cream becasue when i walked past a dairy queen, there was a poster in the window advertizing a 'blizard'. A blizard is vanilla ice cream with little m&m's mixed all the way through it. At McDonalds they call it a McFlurry. Anyway, i just had to have one! Then, we got in the car and started heading back to Denver.

As we drove down the I25, it started to seem awfully dark outside, and we discovered that Jorge's headlights had carked it. Shortly afterwords a larger, but much less tasty blizard engulfed us. Visibility was very low, not helped by the lack of headlights, and snow kept accumulating on the windsheild. Choosing life, we decided to take the next exit, which landed us right in the parking lot of a movie theater. A movie theater with 24 screens! So we went to see King Kong. Its really good. It is really long though, so if you haven't been yet, prepare yourself for 3 hours plus trailers.

By the time the movie finished, the conditions outside were considerably better and I made it home to write about it. Have had very lazy day today, although did go out in search of a mall but was unsuccessful. I will have to study the bus routes in more detail and try again next weekend. Am going to Mexico for New Years weekend! Whipty doo! If I don't make it to Mexico, i'm at least going as far as New Mexico. Still investigating it.

I'm actually thinking about going via 'four-corners' where Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico meet at the same place just so i can add to my 'state talley' and beat Sarah :P. I think i'd need to do more than that though since i've already been to two of the four states this trip and i've been to at least three of them in my lifetime. But she cheated! She went up to the north-east, where states are smaller than here!

Sorry about the lack of photos. Now that i've stopped feeling like a tourist i sometimes forget to take my camera with me. I'll try harder.

1 comment:

chrisbeggs said...

Rhys, this is inappropriate. :P