Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The road to El Dorado... I mean El Paso

I drove through the night, leaving Denver at aprox 8pm last night and arriving at El Paso, Texas at 6.30am this morning. I rented a car, which is actually quite cool - its a late model 2006 Hyandai featuring cruise control. Just what you need when you're trying desperately to stay awake on a long haul drive through the darkness - one less thing to think about. If only it steered the car too i could have had a sleep in the backseat while the car drove itself. It was a cool drive, it was very dark and there was no moon but lots of stars out. Thats how I navigated.

I saw a lot of signs for attractions i want to check out in daylight on my way back. Especially in New Mexico.

There is a town in New Mexico called 'Truth or Consequences'. I thought that was pretty halarious, but it was nothing compared with the next town i drove through: 'Elephant Butte'. Its like they tacked an 'e' on the end of it so it didn't sound as if its supposed to be a description of the town or anything.

I stopped 3 times at gas station/truck stop type things. The 24 hour places that line the interstates are pretty interesting places in the middle of the night. So many strange people lingering around.

At about 6am, i left America and entered Texas. You thought i was going to say Mexico didn't you? No. Crossing state lines, most states have like a real-estate style sign welcoming you to their state. Not Texas - it has stunning rock sculptures on either side of the road... and more or less as soon as you pass them, everything changes. Texans like Texas. They consider themselves primarily Texans, and then Americans. It is almost like another country. My guidebook explains that "If you want to make friends with Texans in a bar, try to refrain from ordering a white wine or coctail. If you can bring yourself to do it with a straight face, ask the bartender for a longneck and a whisky. Don't try to specify scotch or bourbon. Just drink the whisky - it will be bourbon. Don't talk about Dallas in Houston, or Houston in Dallas. Don't talk about the outside world. If you follow these simple tips, you will make friends for sure." As I rode into El Paso, which is actually quite strikingly ugly - at least by first impressions with power plants and such billowing smoke accross the freeways - i heard radio DJs declare it the "most beautiful city in the entire world". It actually does seem to be a really cool place, but maybe I just like being back in Texas. The Mexican border actually comes right next to downtown El Paso, making for some of the most interesting - and dangerous looking neighborhoods. I have heard that this is one of the most dangerous crossings on the border. But I am a man of danger. Yes I am.

After I found a motel I came down to the border and walked accross into Mexico. I didn't have to show my passport, but i did have to pay 35 cents. I am currently in a netcafe in Juarez. I better stop wasting valuable Mexico time and go out experience the place. I just exchanged $20 for 210 pesos, and i'm on the lookout for a cantina. I will post again with photos when I get back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, if you are using cruise control and navigating by the stars on your way back (being a man of danger), take care passing through elephant butte (or consequences).
Hasta la vista, we trust.