Saturday, January 07, 2006

Can't sleep

Well it's after midnight here and i can't sleep for some reason, so i thought i'd do a blog post.

Not too much to report this week, just business as usual really. I went to another party last night, which was fun. Met some more interesting people.

I went to a couple of malls, last night I went to the Southwest Plaza with Jorge before the party, I went to a petshop there and bought a puppy and a small aligator. The aligator is so cute, i can't imagine it becoming a problem in the future.

This morning i went to the Park Meadows mall, which is somewhere in south denver but the bus trip was so long i lost track of exactly where. Park Meadows is more impressive than Southwest, but neither is as big i think as the Colorado Mills mall i went to last weekend.

I tried to get my colorado drivers license this weekend, but turns out they need my birth certificate. No problem i thought, chris you stupid idiot of course they need your birth certificate.... i only spent a year of my life selling birth certificates to fools who were trying to get their drivers licenses. So i called texas to organize my birth cert, and guess what - they need a US drivers license number for me to be able to order it. So annoying.

I've been trying to learn about Colorado history, so i've been watching a bit of PBS lately. Its either quite good, or i'm quite nerdy. While i was researching on the internet i found out that Colfax Ave, the street i used to live on, is actually famous and was once called "the wickedest street in america" by playboy magazine. I feel quite cool now. I learned that Colfax ave is 27 miles long stretching from west to east. It has apparently been cleaned up a little bit since its wickedest days, but around where i used to live things are still pretty bad.

Where i'm living now is much nicer, but for a fairly accurate representation of how it really is, i suggest you watch the opening credits to southpark. Southpark itself is really just near here i drove through it last week when i had the rental car... its pretty much a microcosm for the rest of south metro denver and even though i've always hated the show, the opening credits make me laugh now that i live here.

I caught this bear trying to break into the colorado convention center. I killed it with my bear hands. Get it? my bear hands. haha.

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