Saturday, January 14, 2006

Just a few photos for you today. My Vegas trip has been delayed slightly, now hoping to go early tomorrow morning but it is threatening to snow in the mountians. Its Jorge's call whether he's comfortable driving in the snow cause we're taking his car... a little snow never scared me.

This is the stream that runs next to my apartment complex. The path alongside it takes me straight to the lightrail station. Whenever i post a pic like this one i think how uninteresting it must be. But then again, its just so u can see the neighborhood i live in... i don't know. Tell me if its boring.

This photo is taken from Broadway looking north towards downtown. This particular place is roughly near where I will be working when i get that job i had the interview for. (i'm really confident about it)

Also there on Broadway near my new job prospect is a stretch i like to call 'Television Row'. 3 of the local channels have their studios here. This one looked cool when i was walking past on Thursday on the way to my job interview, because their news helicopter was landing on the roof, but no such action today when i had my camera. :(

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