Monday, January 02, 2006

Colorado Springs

When I woke up this morning, i felt like renting a car. As the impulsive being that I am, i rented a car.

First i did all my household chores, which would have taken all day but for the time-saving automobile. After that I hit the freeways and did a complete loop around Denver, stopping in north-west Denver at the Colorado Mills mall. This is the biggest mall i've been too yet this trip, it took me half an hour to walk in a circle around the inside of it without going into any stores. Not being much into shopping, i left after conquering its mass, but man was it impressive!

After completig my loop of the edges of the city, I headed south down I-25, coming through Castle Rock, a very beautiful town named after the 'rock' (huge mountain) in the middle of town that looks like a castle. Pretty cool.... As i got closer to the 'rock' i noticed a giant star and a flag flying on the top of it, dominating the landscape, leftover from America's phase of trying to make nature better. Looks like somebody already done-conquered it.

I kept heading south and eventually came to home of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman, Colorado Springs! I barely made it into town as had left it too late and had to turn back to Denver to get my rental car back on time. I did have time to take these photos outside of the military base in the north of town. NORAD is located at this military base, the hollowed-out mountain command center for America's nuclear arsenal built during the cold war.

Thats my rental car just over my shoulder.

The highways were amazing going down there, huge interstates negotiating their way through some fantastic western desert-like scenery, with the focus very much on keeping things moving. The interstate speed limit was 75mph (120kph) which meant most traffic was doing about 90. Cool for a while, but at times a bit scary. Highway speeds here are out of control, local police have no juristiction on the interstate system and there are no speed cameras, so writing tickets is up to state troopers, and they seem pretty thin on the ground. Its not overly unsafe however, as the highways are built well. There were signs along the way reminding the soon to be injured or dead to 'REMOVE ACCIDENTS FROM TRAFFIC IMMEDIATELY'.

This guy had the right idea. While i made do with a mitsubishi lancer, he took his house along with him and just a small SUV towed behind for those short trips to the grocery store.

Well thats it, i have more photos but too many for one post, so i'm gonna save them for a rainy day! I'm still waiting for visitors people!


Anonymous said...

we'll visit you when we miss you.

chrisbeggs said...
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chrisbeggs said...

'anderson' if that is your real name, who are you?

Anonymous said...

I'm your soul mate, you jackarse.