Thursday, January 12, 2006

Beggs tires of working, quits job; plans long weekend in Las Vegas


Chris Beggs announced late today that he had relinquished his employment contract. His resignation occurred early in the week and Mr Beggs left the building without incident shortly afterwards. His decision not to go public with his resignation for several days was put down to not wanting to alarm blog readers before deciding exactly how he would proceed.

Sources close to Beggs refused to comment in detail on the departure, with one saying simply, “Let Beggs be Beggs”, and another warning, “If you call this man a flip-flopper or a schitzo, he's gonna crack you one.”

In completely unrelated news Mr Beggs is travelling to Las Vegas for a long weekend. He is vigorously disputing speculation that his bold new plan for the future is to become a professional gambler, admitting however that he does have a "good feeling about the powerball this Saturday".

A senior spokesperson for Mr Beggs indicated that he may have found his perfect job. While details cannot be released at this time, it is understood that he attended an interview this afternoon for a job at a 'media intelligence' company, and is very confident about this prospect. Outsiders were heard to say that this job 'fit like a glove' for Mr Beggs, having studied media as well as being extremely intelligent.



Anonymous said...

powerballs says it all really

Anonymous said...


chrisbeggs said...

Anderson, some people say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but i still hate you with passion.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever find out your uni results for Politics? I think I beat you with hard work and perseverance, compared to whatever you did for 12 weeks.

chrisbeggs said...

Anderson: I got a B for politics. What did you get? It seems highly unlikely that you would have beaten me, even with all your hard work... remember 7th form geography?

Anonymous said...
