Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Make way, make way! The president needs to have lunch!

Well I saw my first presidential motorcade today! This is what it looks like when the president decides to have a $1000 per head fundraising lunch at a hotel....

He's not a popular man here at the moment (or anywhere i think). That didn't stop one lone Bush supporter from provoking a heated and violent debate with these people who had gathered to boo the president. The guy was kind of funny, someone asked him why, if he liked the policies so much, was he not in the military. He replied "Because i have a wife and two kids and they would end up with a dead father". It actually got quite scary for a while, all i wanted was a pic of the motorcade!

They had been setting up for it all morning, blocking several streets off. These three guys are secret service agents. On some of the taller buildings around you could see snipers poking their heads over the edge every couple of minutes, and airforce helicopters flew overhead.

Then, after much waiting, the traffic dissappeared and the whaling of sirens began to come down the street. The crowd's booing got louder and louder...

This may have been the car the presidennt was in! There were three identiical limosines, alll with blacked out windows. Only one of them drove into the tent outside the hotel, then the curtains were closed and i assume Bush went in for a feast.
Following the limosines were a whole myriad of vehicles, buses, armored trucks, ambulances.

In other news, I scored a job interview today so i have that to do tomorrow morning. Its not a job i originally wanted that much, but i gotta earn a buck somehow so that i can keep seeing these wonderful sights. If they tell me i have the job in time i might go down to texas for a few days til i start. I also have applied for a couple of other jobs and am feeling really positive about where things are standing. Kind of feels like i'm slowly integrating into society, rather than just watching things happen around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1st plastic surgeon: "I am so good, I had a concert pianist come in whose fingers had all been chopped off, I stitched him up and just a month later, he played a flawless royal command performance concert!"

2nd plastic surgeon: "That's nothing, Miss World was in a horrific head on car crash and suffered terrible facial injuries, I worked on her non-stop for 36 hours and 3 weeks later she did a photo shoot and went on the cover of Vogue!"

3rd plastic surgeon: "Huh! You guys think you're good! I had a case where a cowboy was run over by a freight train, all I had left to work with was the cowboy hat and the horse's arse - and now he's the President of the USA!"