Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Well we came to Denver a few days ago. The bus ride was long! We came through Wyoming and it was snowing there. Great scenery though... so wide and empty. We we got to Denver we checked into our motel - a cheap dive with a housekeeping service that only seems to come once every two or three days.
This is the view from the motel parking lot.

This is me, in front of downtown Denver.

This is me infront of the Colorado state capital.

Me again. Exactly one mile above sea level!

Not me.

Well now i have to kind of face the music and get a job. Its not going to be easy! I've been looking for two days now and nothing has lannded in my lap. I'm also in need of a place to live before Sarah goes to New York tomorrow. Hmmm i'm not sure how i'm going to do that in time!


Anonymous said...

Ooo - Chris and Sarah without daily housekeeping sounds grim.
Things will fall into place hopefully with a job soon, once you know where you're working you can look for longer term accomodation, hopefully it will work out that way.
Maybe your motel has a housekeeper vacancy?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow snow huh, you wait a little longer and the snow will hit Denver, its lovely at this time of year, hire a car and go out and see the moose, cos when it snows they come right down to the road side to eat the grass, oh and the house keeping gee.... I am sure you can clean up after yourself. PS Shane said to go and watch some Ice Hocky....