Monday, November 28, 2005

A couple of special visitors

Doh! I left my camera at home so i can't upload any new photos for this post. Actually i don't have many, was too busy freezing my behind off to take many today.

I did have one photo of a lone protester on a corner near the capitol. "Hillary Kills Folks" his plackard said, and i found out that he was refering to future president Hills Bills Clinton who was in Denver today. I'm not sure who he was talking about, or if he knew how many folks President Bush has killed lately.

Actually president Bush will be in denver tomorrow, word has it he's going to be at the Capitol, just down the street from my place. If I had a nicer place, i would invite him over for a coffee! I might still invite him over to watch the game and share a pretzel... hehe.

Well i spent today trying to apply for jobs. One was in littleton and after getting all the way there i realized i had forgotten my resume. Smart. I didn't really want the job anyway, it was a callcenter for a cable tv company and i thought maybe it would do til i found the dream tv news job that i moved to america for. Then when i started filling out the application form i decided i didn't want it. Then i remembered that they give you free cable. I might go back tomorrow to finish my application.

Then i went to apply for a job in Parker, Colorado which is way out in east Denver. I didn't know where it was when i got on the bus, but i also didnt realize that i had left it to late to get a bus back to the city! So i had to get a $50 taxi ride all the way back downtown, which took like an hour to wait for and then an hour in the car. But i did meet a cool taxi driver who had immigrated from Ethiopia. He was full of advise about where i can look for jobs. He thinks i should get on a bus first thing tomorrow to go out to DIA (i was like DIA?? i used to work there! - but here it stands for Denver International Airport) and apply for jobs at all the rental car companies. Thats what he did when he first moved here. He says they are always hiring and they dont pay too bad. Maybe i will do that, cause i really need a job, even if its not the job i really want, so i can establish myself and buy a car etc. Going to Parker and taking the taxi home really reminded me how much i need a car. This city is so hard without a car, even though the public transport in most subburbs isnt too bad, being in the taxi let me see how big this place is, and how you really only get to experience it with a car. Job, then car, then better place to live is the order of business.

Parker seems nice.. Kind of ugly infill housing developments as far as the eye could see, and after trying to walk to somewhere i could get back to denver from, i finally gave up when i found myslelf walking through the Canterbury Crossing Controlled Golfcourse Neighborhood. Sounds really nice if you're retiring or trying to bring up kids, but not when you want a taxi to drive past within the next few minutes.

It is only 20F here tonight, which is below freezing. Last night there was snow in parts of the city and high winds in eastern colorado. I saw on the news that after more than a dozen accidents including a 20-25 car pileup, they closed an interstate between metro denver all the way to the kansas border. When i got home last night there was a couple of banged up police cars down the end of the street, the remains of a car chase which had ended there. I really must get out of that neighborhood, but its quite fun really!

Well i'm gonna go now. Lots to do tomorrow! If i get time i will try and get some photos with, or of George, but something tells me he will be well hidden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get a taxi job. You love driving. And you'll be the only taxi driver in America who speaks English as a first language.