Saturday, November 26, 2005

Boulder, Littleton, and the tourism of the disturbed

Hello! I am very pleased to report that i have found an even better place to steal wireless internet from, and it is a brewpub. This means that i can now sample the local brew while writing emails and updating the blog!

Ok. Yesterday I rode the light rail all the way south to Littleton. I have no excuses. I was looking for Columbine High School, scene of the infamous 1999 school shooting. While this is wrong on many levels, it is not the first time this vampire tourist has gone in search of blood. I also visited Aramoana a few years back, just to see the sight of that massacre. I can't explain why, its just interesting! Unfortunately, i was not able to get to Columbine High as i had no car and no map. I had a vague idea where it was, but after it took me nearly ten minutes to walk out of the car park at the train station, i decided it wasn't worth the walk. Instead i sampled the delights of Littleton, which really is very quaint. If nothing else, i valued an hour or two of not being asked for spare change, which makes a change from the my new neighborhood, which i hope to be leaving shortly. I went to probably the biggest stripmall known to man, had a mexican lunch and left, slightly dissappointed: not even any evidence of the once-previlent Trenchcoat Mafia.

Today I visited the illustrious Boulder, Colorado. Its really part of Denver, the urbaninity thins out on your way north but only for a short time before reaching Boulder. Its only about an hour north-westish of downtown Denver and has small town charm with big city hipness, possibly courtesy of the campus of Colorado University. I walked up the pedestrian mall that makes up much of what downtown Boulder has to offer, then walked towards the mountains, which is where i came accross this little critter.

Walking up a track just north of the town center, i found out why Boulder is called Boulder. This picture only shows part of the 'Boulder' the city is named after, and i'm going to take this opportunity to be honest and call it more of a mountain than a 'boulder'.

As if my fear of the Rocky Mountain rattle snake wasn't enough, after seeing this sign, i quickly descended back into the relative normalicy of downtown Boulder.

Then i came across this dude, who had attracted quite a crowd in the middle of the walking mall. He juggled those flaming jugglinig sticks while unicycling on a 6ft unicycle. I was impressed!

Storm clouds are a gathering around Denver. While it still feels comfortably warm, word on the street is that we may have snow in the city by tomorrow. Its already snowing in the mountains and you can feel the electricity in the air. If it does snow, or rain, it will be the first precipitation i've had since landing in America two weeks ago! Not bad!

Still no job, but it is thanksgiving weekend. I've given myself the weekend to continue to spend money unchecked an enjoy the holiday lifestyle. I'm out all the time. The more time i spend away from my new place, the less roaches i have to kill before sleeping, the better!


Anonymous said...

Well it looks like u r having a great time, u know u r gonna get caught stealing the internet... aye, you know I would prefer starbucks, mmm cops in uniform... so much better than men in the pub

Anonymous said...

It's called death tourism you twat and it actually is quite popular for a variety of reasons!