Friday, November 25, 2005


Not too much to add today, its the day after thanksgiving and things are still pretty quiet, but today is the day all the shops have their huge holiday sales and sell things at crazy prices.. Shame i don't have a job yet!
The following post i wrote last night but have only got to a starbucks today to upload it. I'm stealing free wireless internet from the Marriot across the road! Normally it costs me 10c a minute.

Today was thanksgiving, and i had a rather lonely day. Sarah left for New York City this morning and i have been all alone... i moved into my room, which is in the Capital Hill neighborhood on the edge of downtown Denver. The building is in a weird area, the main street is called Colfax and strikes me as a 'dangerous' street, but all the side streets are full of nice historic apartment homes. This is with the exception of my building which is a bit of a crapheap. But i'm still quite pleased with it as its just rent by the week with no lease so i can leave once i get a job (assuming i get one) and know where exactly in this sprawl i want to live.
So anyway, back to lonliness, i was trying to kill time by getting out there and experiencing my new neighborhood, so i was out walking and i went around the block a few times. This woman who happened to be a rather butch lesbian woman (i'm just speculating, mind you) asked if i'd eaten and i just said yes and kept walking. This was not unusual as random people on the street talk to you here, some of them are a little odd, some of them a lot. Most of them are just after spare change. Anyhooo, on about my 3rd time past (i'm not sure i really knew i was walking around in circles) this woman said "How many more times am i gonna see ya'll walk past without coming in and getting some food?". She then proceeded to grab me by the arm and walk me in to the bar she was standing outside. I said, "i might come back, i don't have my wallet", then she said "thats not neccessary, the food is free today!" And with that my Thanksgiving took shape as i enjoyed a turkey dinner on the house and the company of strangers as i ate it. I even went back to my room to get my wallet and went back to have a beer with them. In one of the scariest streets i've ever been on, i found a great bar with fantastic hospitality and people who were ready to bring the spirit of thanksgiving to myself, and to people from all walks of life walking down that street tonight.


Anonymous said...

That is very very cool. At least I know that I can get a free meal somewhere in the world ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope he kept awake. Free turkey just sounds too good to be true. Did he count how many kidneys he had when he left?

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, maybe she thought you where cute in a femine way... ha ha ha ha ha ha.....(James is shaking his head at me)