Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I arrived in San Francisco last night. It took two flights to get here. This is the last stop on my trip. I had to walk for 12 blocks from the BART station to the hostel with all my shit on my back. As I walked through the streets it felt quite underwhelming, just another day and arriving in another city. After checking in I went out and got some dinner, and didn't do much else except go to bed. It was only 11pm, but I was two timezones away still.

This morning I got up early and hit the streets, and slowly everything I love about this epically beautiful city began to reveal iteself to me again. Here are some pics of my morning:

As well as exploring the city and taking photographs, I spend a good portion of the morning at the Apple store trying to get my hands on 2 new 3G I-phones for a friend back home who had requested them. After lining up for an hour (it's a new product) I discovered the advertized $199 price was a ruse - only avaliable with an AT&T contract here. So the $1000+ price in New Zealand began to make sense. But it wasn't a wasted trip. I walked out with a new Ipod Touch for myself! I decided it was OK since I really havn't bought anything other than food, beer, and transport this entire trip. It is a cool machine.
I'm going up to Sonoma County this evening to visit Katie and Sean. I get to drive across the Golden Gate bridge in the process, so I'm very excited.

1 comment:

big sis said...

LOVE the pic of the suit playing blind chicken!