Monday, June 01, 2009


Today's highlight was the 'Top of the Rock', the 70th floor observation deck of the Rockerfeller Center. While not the tallest building in NYC, it is cheaper than the Empire State Building and still offers a spectacular view. I could have stayed up there all day, there was so much to look at below.

Yesterday I strolled through Harlem, New York's blackest neighborhood. Pictured is the famous Apollo Theater, the music hall where Billie Holiday, James Brown, Diana Ross, Mariah Carey and the Jackson Five got their start, to name but a few. Simpsons viewers will remember the Apollo as the location of Krusty the Clown's horrifically named 'Krusty's Komedy Klassic' (KKK). They have amateur nights on Wednesdays so I might go back for that... not to perform, just to watch the show!

Times Square. It looks so much better at night but I don't have any photos of that yet..

Japan Day in Central Park

...and elsewhere in Central Park, peace and tranquility.

The Dakota apartment building. At the bottom left of this photo is the enterence where John Lennon was gunned down.

I took today at a slower pace then usual, only visiting one museum, ambling through Central Park, and going to the Top of the Rock. Joe, the guy I met on the Amtrak train to Chicago arrives in NYC tonight, so it will be good to have someone to hang out with. I haven't met that many people in New York so far and people at this hostel seem a bit anti-social, sitting around with their laptops and that kind of thing. Like what I'm doing now. Ok better go.


raych said...

told you it wasn't a square!
I love Harlem - defs one of the more sociologically interesting places - try checking out the housing projects - makes redfern's look like kid toys!

be safe, love raych xxx

Anonymous said...

If you happened to bump into Barack again tell him "good on ya mate" and invite him to Sarah's wedding at Omahorse.He looks like a speights man to me.cheers Phil

chrisbeggs said...

Raych - My hostel is surrounded on 3 sides by large housing project towers. But they seem too nice to be public housing, lawns well kempt and very safe. Am I missing something? There must be some nastier ones somewhere.
Also, you should do something about Times Square. Petition Michael Bloomberg to change the name to Times Irregular Polygon.

Phil - Speights Old Dark maybe? I'll invite him if I see him!