Thursday, July 02, 2009

More from San Francisco

Well the trip is very much winding down, I don't have that much to write about from San Francisco.. I have not been doing much here, it is one of those places where I have done most things of touristic interest on past trips but it is a salubrious place to just be.
On Tuesday I rented a car and drove up to visit friends Katie and Sean who live in Healdsburg, a couple of hours north of the city and met their new son Cameron for the first time. We had a good time, watched some live music in the park and went out for a mexican feast. The following morning I drove back to San Francisco taking the scenic route, at first a small country road following the Russian River to the coast, and then south on California Hwy 1. The scenery was magnificent, particularly along the Russian River driving under towering giant redwood trees. I stopped in Sausalito before crossing the Golden Gate bridge back to the city.
Today I have been madly running around trying to organize a replacement credit card because I lost my wallet last night. Pretty catestrophic, but these things do happen... and towards the end of the trip is not too bad a time to have it happen I suppose. The mastercard people have been very helpful and I should have a new card by the morning, and they gave me $100 in the meantime. And when I say gave I mean advanced at huge cost. But still, what would I do without them.


Rhys said...

Drunk? ;)

chrisbeggs said...

Not even aw!