Saturday, June 06, 2009


It is the most dangerous large-city in America, with 30 homicides per 100,000 people in the last census year. This is where the Fresh Prince was born and raised, although he spent most of his days on the playground. It is the birthplace of this nation. And yesterday Philadelphia became the 6th destination on my Big Bad Adventure of 2009.

I have taken Philly pretty easily, after 3 weeks on the road I felt like I needed a rest. I have done all the historic sites that I wanted to see here, but I have far from a full picture of what Philadelphia is really like. I havn't even taken obligatory skyline photos. My hostel is in Old City, which is a bit south of downtown, but a district rich with sites of historical significance and a popular nightlife area.

I arrived yesterday afternoon. It ended up taking 4 trains from New York City but was suprisingly easy. Before yesterday I wasn't certain of my ability to even pinpoint Philadelphia on a map of the US, so arriving at the hostel 3 hours after I set out for it without any dramas was quite exciting. At the hostel I enjoyed playing pool and some free beer. Met a fellow traveller from Germany and we headed out to see some galleries (which have friday-night openings) and take in some of the nightlife. It was a good evening all up. There are definately some interesting clubs in Old City.

This morning checked out the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and Congress Hall. Liberty Bell is a very old bell, which tolled at the first reading of the Declaration of Independence right here in Philadelphia. But it was already about 80 years old at that time.. It is so old now that it rings no more but sits and is probably the most photographed bell of all time. Even the Dalai Lama has a photo taken in front of it. Independence Hall is the former Colonial Capitol of sorts of Pennsylvania which ended up housing meetings of the Continental Congress, which ultimately led to the revolution and the declaration of independence. Congress hall housed the first congress of the United States, while Washington DC was under construction from 1790-1800. It really was cool to see the very chairs that Benjamin Franklin and George Washington had sat in so many years ago.
Liberty Bell

This is the room where the United States began, where the Declaration of Independence was drafted, ratified and signed, by people who thought they may be hanged for doing it.

Independence Hall

I am currently sitting in the HI Hostel in Philadelphia enjoying a spoken word/acoustic guitar performance. I have been reading a photography book entitled America 24/7 which presented a snapshot of American life at the beginning of the new millenium. A collaborative project it included photographs submitted by amateur photographers and background information. From this book tonight I have learned of the 78th Texas state Legislature... In the 2o03 session of the Texas legislature, the republicans who controlled the state House of Representatives tried to pass a law redistricting the state which would have been undemocratically beneficial to the republican party. Without wanting to give a political science lesson in my blog (and not really being in a scholarly position to do so), this means manipulating one of the kinks of an FPP elecotral system. It is possible to redraw electorate boundaries to favor one side over another. In protest, and realizing what they would lose should the law pass (all future elections) 51 democrats fled the House of Representatives thereby preventing quorum from being attained and blocking the passage of the new law. Even though they would have voted 'no', by them being there in the minority the law would have passed. In their absense it could not pass. The speaker of the house ordered State Troopers to arrest their asses, but all 51 of them had taken up residence in an Oklahoma motel - outside the reach of the Texan lawmen. When they returned to the state 4 days later, they were victorious with the Republicans backing down. I just thought that was a cool story.

Mmmmkay, its off to Washington tomorrow.. So I'll talk to you from there.

1 comment:

raych said...

Hey lil' bro!

I just watched Loius Theroux's documentary 'Killadelphia' the other night - synchronisty! pretty interesting, you should try checking it out if you get the chance...

still waiting the arrival of New Jersey Death Sauce with gusto and epi-pen.
raych xxx