Thursday, October 04, 2007

In San Francisco

Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that i have arrived safely in San Francisco. Am very tired - had at most 2 hours sleep after nightshift before getting on the plane, and not a wink of sleep on the plane. Still, I have been feeling a lot better since landing and am resisting the urge to just go to bed.

It's a beautiful day in San Francisco, about 22 degs c and a clear blue sky for as far as the eye can see. The hostel room has a view of the financial district and the Bay Bridge, and the US Navy's Blue Angel fighter pilots have been doing low fly formations over the city all afternoon for 'fleet week'.

I'm going to lay down for half an hour now and then going out to see and do more. I love this place!


Anonymous said...

Also we are getting drunk onmicrobrew beers. It's not like we're driving anywhere.

Anderson said...

Angie, check your paradise email for a more Dan-focused review of our trip.

Anonymous said...

I'm highly impressed you lot managed to get through US ICE easily.

Can I suggest you go to Fleet Week if you've got the time- it's apparantly AWESOME.