Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Increasing my carbon footprint

Here are the plans for October. 4200 miles in 22 days. It's going to be one mammoth road trip.


Anonymous said...

Are you going north or east?

chrisbeggs said...

the direction of travel is clockwise, starting and ending in san francisco

Anonymous said...

so glad that you are increasing your carbon footprint...don't ever let me tell you that you never follow through with your plans!

Anonymous said...


chrisbeggs said...

Hey Raych, i'm just doing what I can to help global warming.. the only way to get conclusive scientific evidence either way is to go hard-out burning fossil fuels for another few generations.

Anonymous said...

I've decided after your oh so funny text message the other day that I'm going to increase your CUSMOD footprint.

Anderson said...

that is an atrocious photo.

Anonymous said...

I fail to see how you could get a good photo, AndoBalls.

BTW, you guys should put that banner onto a bumber sticker and stick it on your rental car. Would be the motherfucking shit.

Anderson said...

Won't be any room left for the SUPPORT THE TROOPS and BURN ALL GAYS bumper stickers

Anonymous said...

My Sweet Jesus you guys are driving the country! Better make sure you have some good music with you, crikey!!!


I am Log btw. ROARRRRRR!! Could easily pretend to be leonie, i picked that up

Anonymous said...

Not too long now!