Sunday, October 07, 2007

It's a long road to Denver...

...and we're only half way there.

Today we covered 573 miles, crossed 12 distinct mountain ranges and once we got to Nevada only went through about 3 or 4 towns. They call it the lonliest road in America.

Here are some of today's pics:

No shit, this is our car man! Its a Pontiac G5 Sporthatch, classed as a 'compact economy' model by the rental company.

Me at South Lake Tahoe.

Ok, this is the coolest thing in the world. We randomly came across this while driving the Lonliest Road, its literally more remote than the middle of nowhere. Its called 'Sand Mountain' and its a giant mountain of sand. People come here from all over to ride their dune buggys on it. It was just really random to hardly see any traffic for hours and then to arrive here with all these RVs parked up and crazed dune riders speeding up and down this pile of sand in the desert.

The town of Ely, Nevada. Pictured is its traffic light, and some the several casinos that line its main street.
In the morning, its eastward to Denver... a journey of 673mi.


Anonymous said...

keep the photos coming chris - that is an insane 'compact economy' model by the way! take care, raych

Kevin said...

Shit its got a spoiler it must be as fast as my car! No but seriously what are the non-economy cars? Humvees?