Friday, October 12, 2007

Amarillo to Dallas

This was a long boring drive, uniformly flat scenery and a ride road the barely turned a corner. Boring until we got to Dallas. Dallas has the most complex roading system I have ever seen. So many freeways and loop roads and highways all intersecting with one another. We were swept into this whirlpool of interchanges ages before the signature high rises of downtown Dallas emerged from the horizon, the city is so huge.

After finding the motel and getting my bearings and confidence back we set off to go the Texas State Fair. This is one of the highlights of the trip so far. It was such an awesome atmosphere, and there was so much going on. Sometimes its hard to find the true soul of a place when you are staying in hotels and driving everywhere you need to go, but this really helped us see the real Texas. At the fair there was a huge auto show, and I found a vehicle that gets 12 miles per gallon (see picture). By comparison the rental car is getting about 31mpg.

Other photos from the fair:

The state fair was just awesome. The largest event of its type in the world, a sprawling complex of just about everything Texan you can think of. And deep fried lattes. When we got back to the motel Jay Leno was covering the Texas state fair on The Tonight Show.
Update at 1600hrs Friday - I'm in a mall in Dallas using a wifi hotspot that keeps cutting out. Been at Dealey Plaza, the JFK memorial and the Sixth Floor Musuem this morning - photos and more from this to follow next post.


Anonymous said...

Those are the same clothes you left in, Anderson. I hope you've changed your undies at least you dirty bastard!

Anonymous said...

Great photo of Big Tex with Little Tex!
Interesting about the high fructose corn syrup - I had heard biofuels were getting big in America these days. How many mpg do you run at?