Thursday, February 02, 2006


'da na na na na na, na na na na na, cruising down the 101, California here we come, right back where we started from, Cal-if-ornia, Cal-if-orniaaaaaaaaa'

I'm sure you guys can all imagine me singing that song beautifully. Today has been pretty cool!! This morning i rode a subway out to Berkeley, walked the streets there and then walked around the campus of UC Berkely. I could totally imagine how it was during the 60s. Its changed a bit, but hippy-types still walk the campus and beetniks sleep on the streets.

MmmmK so then I went to the Golden Gate Bridge. It took me a while to find, but it was well worth the journey! Somewhat unfortunately it was extremely foggy and for much of the time you could see neither the end of the bridge or the tops of the bridge towers. Well i figured if i couldn't see them from the shore, i should get up close and personal, so i walked across the bridge.

OooooOooo look, theres me.

Each of the towers that hold the bridge in suspension are the equivelent height of a 65 storey building.

Well the walk across the bridge was really long and i got really tired on the way back. This was never meant to be a return journey, but after a little chat with these guys, i decided to push on.

This is Union Square, just a few blocks from my hotel. The monument in the middle is in celebration of victory in the Philippine war. I haven't looked into it much, but will... i think they were fighting the portugese? I don't know.

Right now i'm back at my hotel sampling the local brew, currently i'm enjoying a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and I rate it 4 stars (out of 5 on the beggs scale)


Anonymous said...

They were fighting the Spanish. Then unarmed Filipino civilians.

chrisbeggs said...

well that explains why they won ;)

chrisbeggs said...

Yes and thats not the only body that has been found near that bridge. It has a deadly history that most people are not aware of, but thats a whole other blog post which i don't think i'll be writing!

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