Sunday, February 05, 2006

I have gotten better at not leaving my camera behind, but even after three months I still have to kick myself sometimes. Tonight was one of those times. I thought I would just stroll down the street and have dinner so i left my camera at the hotel. Of course after dinner i felt fat and thought i should go for a bit of a walk. Of course on my walk i decided to hop on a cable car. Of course the cable car went up and down the hills, the peaks of which presented fantastic vistas across the city. And of course the sun was setting behind the golden gate bridge as my cable car approached the top of Hyde Street. And of course, my camera was back at the hotel. Take my word for it: it was magnificant!

I ended up at Fisherman's Wharf again. My guidebook vomits some less than admiring words about Fisherman's Wharf but i really like the place. Particularly at night. Tonight I came across these artists on the sidewalk. A crowd had assembled around them as one of them painted using spraypaint, scrapers and fire! He would cover the painting in spraypaint and then scrape out his art on them, if he wanted a slightly different texture or color he would set the paint on fire on the canvas and then put it out just at the right time. The result was quite stunning. They were selling the paintings really cheap. I'm not an arty farty person and i'm fairly sure these will never be collectors items, but i know what i like. I ended up with three brilliant paintings of San Francisco.

I'm gonna go down and ride a different cable car line now!

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