Thursday, January 17, 2008

Summer nights

Last night: Outdoor concert at the botanic gardens. Was a stunning evening - warm, still and humid. Even when I got home at 11pm it was 23 degrees and 79% humidity.

Tonight: An evening at the InnKeeper of Newlands with a whole bunch of friends and clingers-on, eating pizza and watching a procession of drunk people pull their car up to the door of the pub and stumble inside to purchase a bottle of take-away booze before stumbling back out to their cars to drive off. Ahh Newlands. At 10 minutes to closing time, rather than awquardly asking us to leave, the staff just turned the lights off. Quite effective really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of motherfuckers. I'd have taken 15% off the bill for those kind of shenanigans (sp).