Monday, December 10, 2007

100th Posting Extrordinaire!

Dolphins. A file photo.

Today I went paddling waka ama with some friends in Porirua Harbor, something I've been making a bit of a habit of lately. We went out to a rocky reef at the harbor entrance. After an hour or so of paddling, with Mana Island looming in the background, we were greeted by a school of dolphins skimming the water's surface around our boats. It was so cool to see them up close and in the wild like that!

On the way back in, but still in deep water the waka capsized and I was thrown into the water. Once i realized I wasn't going to die, it was fun. We had to work together to right the boat and get back into it, which was no mean feat.

It should be noted that this is BeggsBlog's 100th posting since it all began in 2005, with more postings in 2007 than any year previously. Go the BeggsBlog! I don't know if many people still read it and I know there has been large gaps between posts sometimes, but it has been good to have somewhere to write stuff down and post photos and keep a record of stuff that I've done over the last couple of years.


Anonymous said...

Dolphin steaks for dinner?

Anonymous said...

happy 100th blogirthday

chrisbeggs said...

Rhys, how could you say such a thing?
Raych- thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'd eat a dolphin steak - probably better than whale? Why isn't anybody going there? Heh. I just came back on a whim, nice to see blog-useage! Man I have to catch up with you people again, I've been pretty hopeless for ... the last 6 months

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