Thursday, June 28, 2007

Crashing into court

One day in April, I was driving down Newlands Road minding my own business when I was sideswiped by a gaping fucktard. It was about 6pm, traffic was bumper to bumper, but moving steadily. Waiting in a side street was a beat up old Nissan Maxima, colored ug-green. I don't know how the driver of said Maxima ever thought he could squeeze in, but he went for it - crashing into the side of the bonnet of my ocean-blue March, causing $752 worth of damage (my insurance excess ammount is $750).
But oh no, thats not all. Now I'm a pretty calm and reasonable person and I can accept that we share the roads with bad drivers. But what really made the driver of that car a gaping fucktard was what happened next. He assesses that his car can still move. Then he flaws it down Newlands Road at a great rate of knots. Realizing that I am in hot pursuit he increases speed and overtakes a line of vehicles waiting at a roundabout. Sadly I didn't have my cellphone on me - I had forgotten it and was in the process of driving back home to get it when the atrocity occured. As I lost sight of the vehicle, i noted its registration number. I was already running late for my hot dinner plans in town, and I had to stop enroute at the police station to draw pictures of what had occured.
The following day I was lucky enough to see this same retard in his ugly car driving up my street. I did a quick u-turn and followed him home, where I confronted him about his issues. He didn't really appreciate it and threatened to deck me unless I got off his property. I'd like to have seen him try.
Anyway, I got the damage fixed and moved on, the only thing to remind me of it being the skid marks on Newlands Road (still there!!). He avoided the police for a month and they gave up on him, and he has been trying that strategy with my insurance company too. So now my insurance company and I are taking his white ass to the cleaners. While actually its just the Disputes Tribunal, which is like Judge Judy (but sadly untelevized). Most likely outcome: he doesn't show up and the Judge rules in my favor.

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