Sunday, April 08, 2007

The third day, the sabbath

It is poignant to remind readers of the reason for the season. We have just reached the end of Easter Sunday. Jesus Christ has failed to return to earth. I spent the last half of the day at work. Beleive me, if Christ had come back we'd have heard about it by now.

It got me thinking about the whole thing, as I have been enjoynig copious amounts of Easter eggs since Good Friday like you wouldn't believe, man. What is the third day? While according to Wikipedia, that ever evolving machine of common knowledge, the third day, or Sabbath, is every Sunday, commemorating the return of Jesus. By that definition it is commemorated by some people every week of the year, but by chocolate-lovers only once - Easter Sunday. Then this led to the enquiring what the Sabbath meant to other, even stranger members of our society. Did you know that seventh day adventist belivers observe the sabbath from sunset friday until nightfall saturday. That means that the they have to spend the coolest, most happening period of the week at home praying to someone who might not even exist. I used to know one, actually, and his life was a continuous struggle between his social life and his deeply ingranied religious beliefs. That wording "sunset" friday and "nightfall" saturday is the main problem. I mean it is clear when sunset is. "Nightfall" is somewhat less clear. Some would consider it sunset, others as late as midnight saturday. This confusion is a smokescreen of confusion designed to cheat beleivers out of the best, most fun part of the week.

I'm not really sure where i'm going with this. I assure you this is the last time I will try to make a religious statement.

Until next time...

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