Sunday, November 26, 2006

30 percent bro

Today at work I completed a 30 question 'bro' test. The idea was to find out how much of a bro i really am. Turns out, due to vast inconsistencies in the test criteria, I am only 30 percent bro - well below failure level.

Now I know what you're thinking, niggahs: there ain't no way that homeboy's only 30 peecee bro. And I have to agree with you. I henceforth accuse the 30 question bro test of outright blatant racism. The 30 questions were heaviy skewed towards traditional bros, for example: "have you ever had more than 6 people in your vehicle at once?" and "have you ever spent a day at the beach with a bus load of family?" It subtracted 3 percentage points if you answered yes to the question "have you ever been skiing?". These kinds of questions are unfair and exclusionist to today's modern bro.

Those who know me know that i'm way more bro than hoe, and I'm sure this disappointing result won't effect my standing with you.

In other news I went to the Brooklyn festival yesterday and enjoyed the day down on the streets while devouring a huge bag of cotton candy. You've only got one chance to ruin your teeth right?

Also this weekend I viewed Borat at the movies, and have to recommend it to anyone else who has a slightly insane, bordering on obscene sense of humor. Favorite part: when they put a grizly bear in the back of an ice cream truck, take the truck to a playground and turn on the music, then open the window just as a parkload of kids rushes over revealing a very grouchy grizly and no ice cream. Actually there were lots of favorite parts. But just don't waste your money on it if you are easily offended.

Following the movie I hosted a small gathering for an evening of electronic monopoly and beer/wine/rum appreciation. Have you heard of electronic monopoly? If you haven't played it, you haven't lived. It's not as electronic as it sounds, but there is a battery powered banking machine and all your money is stored on these little credit cards!

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