Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lumbergh dies in Office Space

Office Space is one of my favorite movies. I have seen it an estimated 30-40 times since striking its gold on the video store shelves in 2001. I gotta level with ya, I am an Office Space fan.

I have only just clicked that Lumbergh dies at the end.

I recently took posession of a dvd entitled "Office Space - Special Edition - With Flair". One of the deleted scenes shows Peter, Michael and Samir talking about Lumbergh's funeral.

Michael: "So are you guys going to Lumbergh's funeral?"
Samir: "No way"
Peter: "Shit no!"

Closer inspection of the fire scene in the original movie shows that Lumbergh's Porche is parked outside the building, with no sign of Lumbergh. Leading to the logical conclusion that he perishes in the fire.

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