Tuesday, July 31, 2007

White Rabbits!

Happy 1st of August. It has been so long since I posted on this blog that it is hard to know where to begin.

I got bored one day and drove up to Auckland for a weekend. Caught up with Rhys. Won $143 at skycity casino, dropped in on a gaming convention which involved hundreds of geeks sitting around playing LAN games. They even had commentators doing play by play on the games for the googly crowds.

This is a photo I took alongside Lake Taupo. The Lake looked so calm and nice, like glass almost.

I have finalized my plans for the octoper expedition. It's goin to be a mammoth US roadtrip of not-before-seen proportions. 4200 miles in 22 days. Anderson is coming. We're still hashing out the details.

I'm aware that this is probably the most boring blog post ever, but I had to put something here... its been a whole month. Otherwise, life continues.. and things are good.