Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Happy New Year

And yes, thank you for pointing out that the new year isn't that new anymore. I haven't been neglecting you deliberatly, oh blog, but i forgot my username and password. Google will help you if you forget either one of a username or password, but alas not if you forget both. Trial and error has finally seen me re-enter my account to bore you with the mundane details.

I've been quite enjoying myself of late, trying to get out and about as much as possible, to enjoy the summer, go down and patronize the botanic garden concerts etc, and while it was a late bloomer this summer is finally turning on some quality days. However, if its not one thing its another and as a gen x-er i will find something to complain about. Balmy weather is the last thing i wanted today, as i showed up to work to find that there had been a fire on the 9th floor which had taken out the electricity supply to the building. It had also fried one of the backup generators. Upon my arrival in the god-forsaken hellhole the center was running on what was left of a 60 minute backup battery. There were no lights on, no tv, and no air conditioning. Against all my hopes and prayers, all systems were back up and running before long... all systems except the air conditioning which remmained broken down all evening.

I have had a radical start to the new year.. been flying a few more times and loving it i might add. Not sure what to do next. At the moment i am just plodding along, flying once a week. But getting a pilots licence will take forever at that rate. Man they make you jump thru hoops for a pilots licence. It's not rocket science! Give me the keys to a 747 and i'll take you anywhere you want to go. But no, it takes 200 hours to get a mere CPL, and thousands more hours before they will let you fly a machine of that magnitude. There is a certain truth to the school of thought which suggests that the flying part is easy, its the landing which is hard.

So i'm looking at moving out of my Northland bachelor pad. I think cheaper rent is gonna be where its at as i look to spend more on flying and less on living. Looks like i have a few good friends lined up for flatmates soo hopefully that will all work out nicely. I could save substantial amounts of money by flatting with folk, and this greatly excites me.

In Feburary i have 14 straight days off work. It's going to be a blast. It'll be like having school holidays or something. I plan to spend most of it at home, just chillin and doing stuff, having time to reflect and relax. I'm also planning to head north on another Beggs Rockin' Roadtrip which will be cool.

Well i've reached the end of my blogpost. I'm sure there was more i was going to say but it's getting late. Until next time.